Getting out of pain is hard!

If you’ve had pain for a long time… be that a grumbling lower pain, neck pain and headaches or widespread ...
get stronger without repeating injury setbacks

How to Get Stronger Without Repeating Injury Setbacks: A Comprehensive Guide

As an Osteopath and Exercise Coach, I specialise in coaching people who are more prone to getting injured. Chronic back ...

Some interesting pain neurology

Here’s some interesting pain neurology for you. When you injure yourself you’ll find that the injured area becomes super sensitive. ...
why does my back still hurt

Why does my back still hurt and how can I treat it?

As an osteopath and strength trainer specializing in the treatment and management of persistent pain, I have helped countless people ...
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Is core training all it’s cracked up to be?

Quick read: I think core training is vastly over-emphasised and should be a secondary consideration at best. Core exercises, when ...
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Happy new year – got any goals in mind?

Happy new year! I hope you had good break and that you’re feeling refreshed and re-envigorated for the start of ...
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The problem with training at home

A lot of people really struggled to keep their fitness and weight training programmes going when the gyms closed. It ...

I don’t hurt anymore

People are often a little confused when they find out that I previously did a degree in physics and started ...
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Ultimate climbing antagonist training guide

Most climbers have heard of antagonist training. And once they reach a certain level most climbers know they should be ...

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