Happy new year – got any goals in mind?

Happy new year!

I hope you had good break and that you’re feeling refreshed and re-envigorated for the start of what we’re all hoping will be a better year.

It’s been a while since I’ve written on here, and one of my goals for the first half of this year is to communicate more often with my clients and audience. One or two blog posts a month being the goal.

Have you set any goals for yourself for 2022?

A lot of people are cynical about the concept of New Year’s Resolutions, and I can see why.

People get to the end of a month of over-indulgence, to the end of a long year where their healthy habits have waned or completely collapsed, and decide to change everything at once.

So gyms are full for a month, everybody’s doing dry January or Veganuary, and everyone’s lives are totally cleaned up and revived for an entire month or two…

And then the motivation tapers off, one or two old habits creep back in, and then all of a sudden the whole thing collapses and you’re back to square one.

Because we don’t change like that. We can’t sustain complete overhauls to our lifestyle.

We change one small habit at a time.

It’s quite unsatisfying. It’s barely perceptible. And it takes regular conscious reviewing to notice we’ve gotten anywhere at all. Our incredible capacity to adapt is our own worst enemy here, making the small changes we make overtime the norm so quickly we barely notice how much we’ve changed over the months and years.

So I like the new year as a chance to reflect on where I’m heading, where my habits are becoming unhealthy or unproductive, and where I might like to tweak my direction slightly.

This year I’m tweaking my fitness goals and my dietary habits slightly, and re-dedicating myself to my relationship and career goals. No broad overhauls, just a couple of small changes (with no sugary snacks in January being the only resolution-like change being made, and then only for January, only enough time to “reset” the habit).

I’d love to hear your opinion on New Year’s Resolutions? Have you trie them? Are you a fan? What’s gone horribly wrong? And how have you made them stick if indeed you have?

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