What is remedial massage?

Remedial massage is one of many forms of massage therapy designed to optimise the body’s function and promote healthy and pain-free movement. It is a form of massage commonly used in sports injury, rehabilitation and pain clinics across the UK because of its effectiveness in treating common muscle and joint complaints.

Remedial massage involves manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, articulations of joints, stretches. Swedish massage techniques will often form the basis of the treatment, and are used along with more advanced soft tissue techniques such as soft tissue release or muscle energy techniques. The aim of these techniques is to promote relaxation in muscles, improve fluid flow through the various tissues of the body and improve movement quality through the joints.

A remedial massage will involve an initial assessment to look for the most effective areas to begin treating. A therapist will ask questions to determine how and when your discomfort comes about and perform certain tests to look for restricted movements – as well as finding out how your pain impacts your daily life. This information is used to guide a treatment plan that will aim to tackle not only the areas of in which pain and tension is arising, but other areas that could potentially be contributing.

Following treatment, it is common for a remedial massage therapist to offer exercises, stretches or other movement advice that can aid recovery and prevent further pain or injury.

Remedial massage can be used to treat a wide range of muscle and joint complaints including, but not limited to:

• Tension headaches

• Neck and back pain

• Hip pain

• Piriformis syndrome

• Knee pain from running or cycling

• Tennis elbow

• Plantar Fasciitis

• Trapped nerves

• Minor sports injuries

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