Daily mobility flow for stiff joints

Having a daily mobility routine is now an important part of life, at least in my book.

The body craves movement, absolutely loves it, but our modern sedentary lives leave it woefully under-nourished in this key area.

So we’re stiff, and our necks hurt, and our backs are always causing problems, and we generally feel sluggish. Our bodies are crying out for movement and we’re just not paying attention.

That’s why having a daily mobility routine is key.

Think of it like cleaning your teeth. As a kid you never wanted to clean your teeth. You resisted doing it at every opportunity – but you know it’s good for you. Then you get one or two cavities and you think: “maybe I should clean my teeth”.

Moving is the same. Sometimes I don’t want to. Sometimes I’m exhausted and busy and my body feels stiff and achy and the last thing I want to do is spend 10 minutes systematically moving my joints.

But mobilising your joints is like self-massage. It’s that middle ground between a static stretch and bodyweight strength exercises. Just enough to get things moving and get you feeling good – without the need for a shower afterwards.

And I know it’s good for me. I know it is because of how I feel after. I know it is because of the results I see with people in pain once they introduce these kinds of movements regularly into their lives.

Mobility drills like this are the perfect solution for a lot of the ongoing, low-level niggles that affect most of us. Not enough to call the doctor, but not so little that you can ignore them either.

Your body is crying out for movement, so just do it.

And here’s a great place to start. 5 – 10 minutes and you don’t even have to stand up at any point. How about that for a winner.

A full body mobility flow to mobilise every part of your body. This can be done in the morning or evening.

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