About Ian

Ian Greaves - Founder, Osteopath & Strength Trainer

From a young age I have always been very active. I love sport and competed in both Taekwondo and volleyball in my youth.

At 18 I caught glandular fever which started a cascade of health issues. I was left with a post-viral syndrome, resulting in chronic fatigue. As this affected my activity levels old, well-managed injuries started to surface and I ended up with widespread persistent pain from my right hip to the right side of my neck.

I saw countless physiotherapists and chiropractors, had investigations with my doctor and at the hospital, all to no avail. At best I got short-term symptom relief.

Nobody could give me a clear explanation of what was going on, let alone a clear action plan for how I was going to get out of pain. Just increasing levels of frustration, despondency and hopelessness.

I got to the stage where I couldn’t do any of the things I used to love. I couldn’t sleep, I could hardly do anything without hurting, I was in a desperate place.

So I started researching how to get myself better. I found a therapist who began to make some sense of what was going on.

I started doing yoga and bodyweight strength training. This taught me to use my body in a totally different way. To move more mindfully and breathe well, as well as highlighting and working on deficits in strength and flexibility.

To learn more I started a year-long course in Clinical Sports and Remedial Massage. I loved that, so I dived straight into a degree in Osteopathy, to give a solid medical grounding to what I was learning.

But the science, along with my own personal experience, clearly showed that hands-on treatment was only one part of the puzzle. So I completed a personal training qualification in the summer break of my first year, as well as a separate course in injury rehabilitation and exercise therapy.

Fast forward to today and my issues are resolved. I’m stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been and my persistent pain is reduced to an occasional nuisance when I overdo things.

And I have helped countless people get to the same place.

I now work with people of all backgrounds to help resolve injuries and persistent pain and build sustainable training programmes to get stronger, fitter, and more mobile.

I help people get to the root cause of their struggles, get the understanding that eluded me for so long, and help build a flexible and solid plan for recovery. I give people actionable steps with clear expectations so that we know exactly what it will take to recover.

If any of this sounds familiar to you or someone you know then don’t hesitate to get in touch. If I can’t help you know then I will know someone who can.  

My black belt grading at age 17


Masters degree MOst in Osteopathy

First Class BSc in Physics with Study in Continental Europe

Level 3 Personal Trainer

CPD in Exercise Therapy & Injury Rehabilitation

Level 5 BTEC Diploma in Clinical Sports & Remedial Massage

CPD in Clinical Taping (including Kinesiology Taping)

CPD in Circuit Training, Functional Training & Core Training

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