Sports Massage Southampton

Southampton Sports Massage Clinic

Ease aches, pains, and muscle tension with a sports massage in Southampton at our sports massage clinic.

Sports massage is designed to help athletes prepare their bodies for optimal performance, but you don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from sports massage.

It is geared toward active people of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers.

Sports massage is ideal to help recover after a big event, and improve recovery times during training. The hands-on techniques used promote healing of injuries to the muscles and tendons, work to reduce restrictions of joint and soft tissue range of motion. 

The Benefits Of Sports Massage Include:

  • Improved flexibility
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Relief from pain
  • Targeted relaxation for improved rest and recovery
  • Injury prevention, either through improved recovery or by identifying problem areas
  • A feeling a space and freedom in otherwise tight areas of your body

What happens during a sports massage?

Sports massage therapists will use a variety of techniques to optimise the body’s use of the soft tissues. The therapist might use repetitive soft tissue massage techniques to stimulate circulation of blood and lymph fluids as well as deep tissue techniques to improve muscle tone and relax tight spots. Assisted stretching techniques are often used to increase range of motion and relax tight muscle tissue.

Sports Massage Or Deep Tissue Massage?

In practise there’s very little difference between sports massage and deep tissue massage. The terms are often used interchangeably. Deep tissue might indicate a more general massage not targeted toward any specific body area, whereas sports massage will tend to be more specific and involve an initial assessment to guide treatment.

If you would like deep tissue massage in Southampton then use the the link below to book and specify that you would prefer deep tissue massage. 

Sports Massage Or Sports Therapy?

Sports therapy is a specific term for the assessment and treatment of sports injuries. It will often involve sports massage, but only after making a diagnosis of the injury and if the therapist deems sports massage to be necessary. A lot of the treatment in sports therapy will be exercise-based rehabilitation

Sports Massage Or Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage involves a more detailed initial assessment and is designed for people dealing with pain and ongoing minor injury.

If that sounds like you then you can book below using the link and specify that you would prefer remedial massage.

Who is sports massage for?

Athletes looking to improve recovery times and train harder

Recreational athletes looking to catch injuries before they occur

Anyone with muscle tightness in their back, shoulders, hips or neck

Desk workers looking to relieve tension from sitting all day

What to expect

Each session involves a quick but thorough assessment to get to the root of you complaint.

You will be given remedial advice to ensure you help you perform at your best

If it is your first session then this will be slightly longer and include a more detailed case history.

This advice is usually tailored exercises and stretches, but could also include lifestyle tips and mindful practises to help prevent further injury.

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